Tämä ihmisen TRIM37 jossa on peptidihännäss MATH domeeni eli Mepriini ja TRAF- homologidomeeni9 on peroxisomaalinen proteiini ja jos MATHdomeenissa on mutaatio, siitäseuraa että kokoTRUIM37 sijoittautuu muualle kuin peroxisomiin.
Muita trimejä ei´n löytänyt joissa olisi tämä mepriini- tunnusmerkki. olisko peroksisomit tulleet ihmiseen jostain sieltä ihan "korallien ajoista" ?
Täytyy katsoa mistäniitä tuli ihmiseen.
Tässä linkissä on hyviä kaavoja metsinkiineistä.
ihmisen Meprin 1A alfa ja beta
Biochem. J. (2013)450, 253–264 (Printed in Great Britain)doi:10.1042/BJ20121751253
REVIEW ARTICLE The metalloproteases meprinα and meprinβ: unique enzymes in inflammation, neurodegeneration, cancer and fibrosis
Claudia BRODER and Christoph BECKER-PAULY
The metalloproteases meprinα and meprinβ exhibit structural and functional features that are unique among all extracellular proteases. Although meprins were discovered more than 30 years ago, their precise substrates and physiological roles have been elusive. Both enzymes were originally found to be highly expressed in kidney and intestine, which focused research on these particular tissues and associated pathologies. Only recently it has become evident that meprins exhibit a much broader expression pattern, implicating functions in angiogenesis, cancer, inflammation, fibrosis and neurodegenerative diseases. Different animal models, as well as proteomics approaches for the identification of protease substrates, have helped to reveal more precise molecular signalling events mediated by meprin activity, such as activation and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. APP (amyloid precursor protein) is cleaved by meprinβ in vivo, reminiscent of the β-secretase BACE1 (β-site APP-cleaving enzyme 1). The subsequent release of Aβ(amyloidβ)
peptides is thought to be the major cause of the neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain 10), which is the constitutiveα-secretase, was shown to be activated by meprinβ, which is it self shed from the cell surface by ADAM10.
In skin, both meprins are overexpressed in fibrotic tumours, characterized by massive accumulation of fibrillar collagens. Indeed, procollagen III is processed to its mature form by meprinα and meprinβ,an essential step in collagen fibril assembly. The recently solved crystal structure of meprinβ and the unique cleavage specificity of these proteases identified by proteomics will help to generate specific inhibitors that could be used as therapeutics to target meprins under certain pathological conditions .Key words: cancer, fibrosis, inflammation, meprin, metalloprotease, neurodegeneration, proteomics.
Structure length function
Meprins are complex and highly glycosylated multi-domainenzymes that require post-translational modifications to reach fullactivity. They are expressed as proteolytically inactive zymogens that require the removal of their N-terminal propeptides by otherproteases. Several serine proteases have been identified as doingthis job [30–34], e.g. members of the tissue KLKs (kallikrein-related peptidases).Meprins belong to the astacin family of metalloproteases,comprising only six members in humans [35]. These enzymes are characterized by a conserved zinc-binding motif(HExxHxxGxxHxxxRxDR) and by a sequence in close proximity to the active-site cleft, the so called Met-turn, that includes a tyrosine residue as a fifth zinc ligand. Within the astacin family,meprins exhibit a unique domain composition. Human meprinα and β, encoded on chromosomes 6 and8 respectively, comprise an N-terminal signal peptide directing the polypeptide chain to the endoplasmic reticulum, an N-terminal propeptide, an astacin-like protease domain, a MAM(meprin A5 protein tyrosine phosphataseμ) domain and a TRAF(tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated factor) domain, both of which are known to mediate protein–protein interactions, anEGF (epidermal growth factor)-like domain, a transmembranedomain, and a C-terminal cytosolic tail (Figure 1A)
Mistä niit pre-peroxisomeja olisi tullut?
(Ehkä jokin niistä Cnidarioista hienolla injektiotekniikallaan on antanut "kykyjä" monisoluisiin organismeihin, joisa kiertää veri ja on muutakin ravinnetta. Siitä ajasta olisi peroxisomeihin jäänyt se meoprin-MATH-pätkä TRIm37:ään kai.
- -10
- -11)
- . sAPP:n normaali pilkkoja
- (Aortta9 aneurysma .
- <osteonektiini
- 2
- 3. (MMP-3
- 4 artikkelia
- 4 blade propel
- 4lehti-propellineni
- A Disintegrin And Metalloproteases
- Abeeta
- ABl2
- ACE1
- AD
- ADA10 geeniuutiset
- ADAM- molekyyleistä
- ADAM-15
- ADAM-17
- ADAM-17 inhibiittori
- ADAM-31
- ADAM-33
- ADAM-proteiiniperhe
- ADAM10
- ADAM10 alfasekretaasi
- ADAM10 ja ADAM17 degradomi
- ADAM17
- ADAM17 (2p.25.1)
- ADAM17 (ACE2 eli TACE)
- ADAM17 inhibiittorikehittely
- ADAM17 sheddaasi
- ADAM17 substraatteja yli 80
- ADAM18
- ADAM19
- ADAM20
- ADAM22
- ADAM27
- ADAM28
- ADAM30
- ADAM33
- ADAMTS- proteinaasit ja 4 alaryhmää
- ADAMTS-13 ja sen vasta-aineet diagnostiikassa
- ADAMTS13 entsyymin puute
- ADAMTS9 (Diabetes mellitus T2DM)
- Aggrekanaasi ja artriitti
- AGTR1 ( angiotensiinin II:n pääreseptori)
- Aivokammio
- Aivotutkimusken edistyksistä
- Aktiivi D-vitamiini
- alendronate
- alfa-2M.
- alfa2-makroglobuliini
- alfasekretaasi
- Amiloridi
- Angiogeneesin säätely
- angiostatiinin kaltaiset proteiinit
- Angiotensiini II
- Angiotensiini II ja maksavaurio
- Angiotensiini-II
- Angiotensiinin pilkkoutuminen
- Angiotensiinireseptori AT2
- anti-angiogeneettinen vaikutus
- antiangiogeeni
- antiangiogeeninen
- antioksidatiivinen polymeerikapselitekniikka
- antiparasiittinen
- Antisheddaasistrategian lääkekehittelyn vaihe 2016
- Aortta aneurysma . Suomennos.
- Aortta-aneurysma
- Apoptoosiresistenssi
- APP prosessointi
- Aprotiniini
- astasiiniperhe
- astmamuutokset
- Autofagosomibiogeneesi 2013
- Autoimmuuni myokardiitti
- avainentsyymi RAASjärjestelmässä
- avainlinkki luonnollisen ja adaptiivisen immuniteetin välillä
- Aviojen valkea aines
- Bakteeriproteinaasit ja ihmisen MMP
- betakaroteeni
- BM-40
- Bradykiniinireseptori B1
- Bradykiniinireseptori B2
- BRC5 geeniperhe
- C3-C5
- Ca mammae c. metast.
- CD10
- CD135
- CD147
- CD156B
- CD44
- Cecropin
- Celecoxib( COX-2 estäjä)
- CF
- cGAS-c-GAMP-STING signaalitie
- cornean toistuva erosio
- COVID-19 ja ADAMTS13 interaktiosta
- Covid-19 taudin vakavuusasteet ja ADAMTS-13 aktiviteetin alenema
- CPEB1(15q25.2)
- Crosslinking
- Cu-metalloproteiinit
- Cys array domain
- Deathstalker
- dementiadiagnostiikka
- Dendriittisolujen kehitys
- Dendroaspis angusticeps
- dendroaspis polylepsis
- Dengue
- Dengue ja MMP-inhibiittori
- Diabetes
- Diabetes Egyptin tavallisin tauti. Kansanlääkkevaikutuksesta
- Disintegriini
- disintegriini ja MMP
- disintegriinin ja MMP
- DLG4
- Doxysykliinin MMPi vaikutus
- dsDNA sensori
- Dynaaminen luu ja MMP
- E-vitamiini
- ebola
- Ebola gp vaimennussäätää tärkeitä pintamolekyylejä
- Ebolan strategia; kysteiiniproteaasi-inhibiittori
- EBOV shed GP
- EC
- EC 3.4.24.-
- ECM and Ebola
- ECM ja MMP proteiinit verkostona
- ECM kypsyminen
- Efriini-A3
- Efriini-A5
- ELA2 (19p13.3)
- elastaasi
- Elastaasi ja aortta-aneurysma
- Ellen Hanssonin väitöskirja sta
- Ellen Hanssonin väitöskirjasta
- Emfyseema
- endometrioosi
- endoteelisolu
- Enterosyytti. Suolistohaavan paraneminen
- ER ja MMP-1
- ERK1/2
- erythroid promoting activity
- esim serralysiinit
- Euroopan tavalliset kyyt ja niiden puremat (2021)
- extrasellulaarinen matrix
- extrasellulaaristen MMPs indusoija
- Fav-Afrique
- Fibrinolyysi
- Fibronektiini
- FIH ja Mint3 ja MT1-MMP rekrytoituvat legionellaa sisältäviin vakuoleihin (LCV)
- Flt
- Flt-3 L
- Flt3
- Flt3 estäjä
- Flt3 geeni
- Flt3L MMP
- Fluorokinoloneista
- FN
- Furiini
- FURIINI ja EBOV GP-prosessointi
- Fytiini
- G12perheen proteiinit
- Geeni CD151
- Geeni CD44
- Geeni FUR 15q26.1
- geenin sijainti
- gelatinaasi
- Gelatinaasi-inhibiittori thiirane
- H2O2
- Halofuginoni
- hematopoieettisen solun säätely
- Hemopexiinitoistot
- Hemopxeiinin kaltainen superperhe
- Hepatoma
- HIF1
- Hoitamaton Keliakia
- Horst Ibelgaufts 1995
- Huggormsbett
- human collagenase inhibitor
- hyaluronaanireseptori
- Hypertensio
- Hypoksian indusoima tekijä 1
- Influenssavirusenkefalopatia
- Integriinit
- Invasiivisuus
- IRF5
- ISBT 023 Indian veriryhmä
- ISBT 024
- ISBT 025
- isäntäsolun katepsiini B
- iTTP ja hTTP.
- K2 vitamiini
- kallikreiini-kiniinisysteemi ( MMP-3 aktivaatio)
- Kallikreiinigeenit ja reseptorit
- katepsiini L
- katepsiini-B
- katepsiini-inhibiittori
- Katepsiinit
- Keltainen skorpioni
- Keramidisyntaasi
- Kertausta MMP asiasta
- keuhkoahtauma
- keuhkofibroosi
- Keuhkokarsinooma
- Keuhkonsiirto ja bronchiolitis obliterans ja MMP-9 Neutrofiilielastaasi
- Keuhkonsiirto ja bronchiolitis obliterans 20 artikkelia
- Keuhkosyöpä
- keuhkosyöpä ja CPEB4
- keuhkovaurio
- Kiniinireseptorit B1 ja B2
- Kiniinirreseptori B2.
- Koagulaatiosysteemi ja plasminerginen systeemi
- kollagenaasi
- Kontrolloimaton ECM proteolyysi
- Kr. 9q34
- Kupari
- Kupari ja rintasyöpä
- Kutaani syst. skleroosi ja MMP-kaskadi
- Kysteiiniproteaasit ja niiden inhibiittorit
- Kyyn hemorhaginen metalloproteinaasi HMP
- Kyyn myrkyn toiseksi suurin entsyymiryhmä SVTLEs
- Kyyn pureman hoito
- Kyynpurema
- Kyynpuremasta
- käyttöindikaation tarkistusta
- Käärmeen myrkyssä voi olla maan tomusta niitä radioaktiivisiakin ainita
- Käärmeenmyrkky
- Käärmeenmyrkyn hyaluronidaasit SVHYA vertailussa. SVAPs.
- Käärmeenmyrkyn vasta-aineiden tärkeys
- Käärmeenpureman vaaroista (Dödliga ormbett) Käärmeseerumin valmistuksesta
- Käärmeenpuremien yleisyys
- Lapsen kyynpurematapaus
- Lisätietoa matrixmetalloproteinaasesita
- liukoinrn SEMA4D
- LOX entsyymi
- LPS ja sydämen dysfunktio
- Lubricin
- luuytimen seriiniproteaasi
- Lymfoma
- Lysyylioksidaasi
- Lyyn myrkky
- M Erlandssonin väitöskirja nivelreumasta
- M13 perhe
- Major Sheddases ADAM10 ja ADAm17
- Makrofagi
- Makrofagi sekretomi
- Makrofagielastaasi
- Maksakirroosin parantaminen
- maksametastaasi
- maligniteetti
- mamban myrkystä
- Mamban puremasta Dendroapsis
- Marimastat
- Matriksin metalloproteinaasi MMP-8 ja kudosvälitilan proteaasi-inhibiittori TIMP-1
- Matrilysiinidomeeni
- matrixmetalloproteinaasien kudosestäjiä
- MDC-perhe
- MDM2
- medullasiini
- Mepriinit
- Meprin beta
- MEROPS database
- mestastaasi
- metargidin
- metastasoituminen
- metsinkiini superperhe
- Metzincin superfamily
- METZINCIN superperhe
- Metzinkiiniperheen alajakoa
- Metzinkiinisuperperhe
- Metzinkiinit ja seitsemän alaryhmää
- Michael Jonssinin väitöskirja
- Michael Jonssonin väitöskirja
- miR-29
- Miten legionella nitistää Syntaxiini17 proteiinin ja samalla kumoaa fagolysosomitietä
- MME(3q25.2) Beprilysiini
- MMP AND autophagosome
- MMP inhibiittoreita 20 000 uutta
- MMP interaktio
- MMP ja demyelinisoiva tauti
- MMP ja Lymen neuroborrelioosi
- MMP ja TIMP perheet genomissa
- MMP kaskadi
- MMP kirjosta
- MMP luettelo ja substaatit
- MMP osuus Abeeta4 biogeneesissä.
- MMP ovat sinkistä riippuvia endopeptidaaseja
- MMP perheen biologinen rooli ja kriittinen tasapaino
- MMP rakennekuva
- MMP rooli gliomassa. Onko vastavaikuttajia?
- MMP- kaskadi iskemisessä halvauksessa
- MMP-1
- MMP-11 ja rintasyöpä
- MMP-12
- MMP-12 inhibittori
- MMP-12( gelatinaasi A)
- MMP-13 (Kr.11q22.2)
- MMP-15
- MMP-15 (MT-MMP-2)
- MMP-19
- MMP-2
- MMP-2 (Gelatinaasi-A)- inhibiittoreista
- MMP-2 estäjä
- MMP-2. MMP-9
- MMP-28
- MMP-28 (17q21.1) epilysiini
- MMP-3
- MMP-3 ja ADAMTS-5
- MMP-3 ja osteoartriitti
- MMP-3 pilkkoo A2AP:tä
- MMP-7
- MMP-8
- MMP-9
- MMP-9 inhibitio
- MMP-9 suppressio
- MMP-9 inhibiittori minosykliinihydrokloridi
- MMP-9 inhibitio
- MMP-9 ja melatoniini
- MMP-ja MT-MMP-substraateista ja inhibiittoreista
- MMP-järjestelmä keuhkofibroosissa
- MMP-kirjo ja Ca Mammae riski
- MMP-perhe
- MMP1 (11q22.3)
- MMP2
- MMP8-fuusioproteiini
- MMP9
- MMPs
- MMPs in Ca mammae
- MMPs Lymen neuroborrelioosissa
- MMPs reseptori CD44
- Monosyytti
- Monosyytti ja MMP
- Morbilli ja MMP
- MT1-MMP substraatti
- MT1-MMP kirjot primäärisyövässä ja niiten ihometastaasissa
- MTs
- MUC-1
- Musiini 1 MUC1
- N-cadheriini
- Navigate
- Neuroligiini-1
- Neutrofiilielastaas
- neutrofiilielastaasi
- Nikamavälilevydegeneraatiomalli
- Nikotiini. LPS
- nivelneste
- Nivelreuma
- Nivelreuman tapahtumat nivelrustossa ja luussa . Mats Dehlinin väitöskirja
- nivelruston sorvaus
- normaali sAPP
- Notcsignaloinnin estäjä
- olmesartan
- Onkolyyttinen tuhkarokkovirus
- organisaatio
- osteoblasti
- Osteonektiini
- Oxdordlista
- p53
- pahanlaatuinen tauti
- PAI-1:ta . uPA:ta
- Periostat
- Perisyytti
- PGE(2=
- Pinttynyt maksakirroosi
- Plasmiini(MMP-3 kaskadi
- Plasmin
- Plasminogeeni
- Plasminogeeni-plasmiini ja syöpä
- Plasminogeeni-plasmiini- peräinen ANGIOSTATIINI
- Pohdittavaksi glu-css antiporter glioomassa
- Pravastatiinin
- PRCGVPDS-gluthatiolation
- Pre-angiotensinogeeni tarvitsee reniinin.
- PRG4 1q25-q31
- pro-MMP7
- prolyl-tRNA syntaasin estäjä
- proproteiinikonvertaasi
- proteaasi-antiproteaasiepätasapaino keuhkofibroosissa
- proteiiniarginiini metyylitransferaasi
- proteoglykaani
- proteomitekniikka
- Proteus ja diabetes.
- Prtoeiini C aPC activate gelatinase A
- Pseudpmpnas
- Punkin syljen merkitys verirqavinnon hankinnassa
- Punkkien syljen metalloproteinaasit
- RA
- Reseveratroli ja MMP-13suppressio?
- resveratroli
- Rintasyöpä
- rusto
- S100A4 metastasiini
- Samuel Bagster 1875
- SCA43. membraanimetalloendopeptidaasi
- SEMA3C semaforiini-3C
- Semaforiini
- seriiniproteaasi NE
- Serralysiiniperhe Virulenssiproteiineja
- Serralysiinistä vuonna 1999
- Serralysin 2020
- Sheddase
- signalointitiet
- Sinkkiproteiini
- SIRT-1
- SLPI proteaasi-inhibiittori
- Solu Adheesio Molekyyli
- Sorafenib (VEGFR estäjä)
- Sorvareiden ja Kähyjen Klaani MA
- STAT3signaloinnin inhibitio syöpäterapiassa
- Stimulator of Interferon Genes
- stromelysiini
- stromelysiini-1
- Stromelysiinit 1
- suhde MMP kaskadiin päin
- sulfatidi
- Sunitinib
- Suomalainen väiotöskirja
- Suomalaisia artikkeleita
- suonituppi
- surviviini
- Surviviini inhibitio
- Surviviini nuclear shuttle protein
- Syndekaani-4
- sytokiiniverkosto
- syöpäsolun migroituminen
- T1DM ja MMPs
- tetraspaniini
- Tetrasykliinijohdannainen kollagenaasi-inhibiittorina
- TGFbeta/SMAD signalointi
- TIMP luettelo ja tehtävät
- TIMP- 1 väitöskirjoissa
- TIMP-1
- TIMP-1 metabolisessa oireyhtymssä
- TIMP-1 ei ole vain MMP-inhibiittori
- TIMP-1 geeni X kromosomissa
- TIMP-1 geeni.
- TIMP-1 ja glioblastooma
- TIMP-2
- TIMP-3
- TIMP-4/CD63 ja gliooma. Astrosyyttinen fenotyyppi
- TIMP1 geeni
- TNFalfa
- TNFalfa konvertaasi
- tPA
- tPA /plasminogeeni axisd
- Treenaus ja obesitas-aspekti
- Trombomoduliini ja MMP
- Tulehdus ja oksidatiivinen strtessi aktivoi proMMP
- Tupakansavu asetyloi TIMP1. SIRT1 deasetyloi TIMP1. TIMP/MMP9 tasapaino
- Tutkimuksia MMP klusterista keuhkofibroosissa (IPF)
- Tutukimustyö
- UC
- uPA
- uPA inhibiittori
- uPAR
- urokinaasi
- UTE-1
- uUusi asenne fluorokinoloneihin 2019
- VaD
- vaiutaa angiostatiinin syntyä
- Valtimoseinämän jäykkyys
- Veriaivoeste
- veriryhmä OK
- Veriryhmä Raph
- Vipera Berus myrkkyjen tutkimus
- vitronektin
- Voiko MMP-kaskadia rauhoittaa
- vWF pilkkova proteaasi
- Välilevy
- Wikipedian yleiskatsaus MMPs 2017
- ZapA metalloproteaasi on IgA.ta hajoittava
- Zinkiinit
- ZnMc_MMP
onsdag 22 januari 2020
Metzinkiinisuperperhe, alaperhe Astasiinit: Alaryhmä Mepriinit , Mepriini beta
Meprin beta
J Biol Chem. 2019 Nov 22;294(47):17768-17776. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.008310. Epub 2019 Oct 11.
Phosphorylation of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) at Ser-675 promotes APP processing involving meprin β.
disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by abnormal
deposition of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides. Aβ is a cleavage product of the
amyloid precursor protein (APP), and aberrant posttranslational
modifications of APP can alter APP processing and increase Aβ
generation. In the AD brain, seven different residues, including Ser-675
(APP695 numbering) in the APP cytoplasmic domain has been
found to be phosphorylated. Here, we show that expression of a
phosphomimetic variant of Ser-675 in APP (APP-S675E), in human
neuroblastoma SK-N-AS cells, reduces secretion of the soluble APP
ectodomain (sAPPα), even though the total plasma membrane level of APP
was unchanged compared with APP levels in cells expressing APPwt or
APP-S675A. Moreover, the level of an alternative larger C-terminal
fragment (CTF) increased in the APP-S675E cells, whereas the CTF form
that was most abundant in cells expressing APPwt or APP-S675A decreased
in the APP-S675E cells. Upon siRNA-mediated knockdown of the astacin
metalloprotease meprin β, the levels of the alternative CTF decreased
and the CTF ratio was restored back to APPwt levels. Our findings
suggest that APP-Ser-675 phosphorylation alters the balance of APP
processing, increasing meprin β-mediated and decreasing
α-secretase-mediated processing of APP at the plasma membrane. As meprin
β cleavage of APP has been shown to result in formation of highly
aggregation-prone, truncated Aβ2-40/42 peptides, enhanced APP processing
by this enzyme could contribute to AD pathology. We propose that it
would be of interest to clarify in future studies how APP-Ser-675
phosphorylation promotes meprin β-mediated APP cleavage.
© 2019 Menon et al.
ADAM; APP-CTF; Alzheimer's disease; amyloid precursor protein (APP); amyloid-beta (Aβ); meprin β; neurodegeneration; proteolytic processing; β-secretase 1 (BACE1)- PMID:
- 31604820
- PMC6879340
- DOI:
- 10.1074/jbc.RA119.008310
Tässä katson TRIM37, jolla on domeenit RBC ja MATH ( (Meprin and TRAF Homolog). Kor. 17 sijainti.
Mitenkähän tämä toimii normaalisti? Se vaikuttaa radioreistenssiä, joka havaitaan silloin kun kätyetään cisplatiinia tuumoriin..
Conserved Domains (4) summary
- smart00502
Location:132 → 254 - BBC; B-Box C-terminal domain
- smart00502
- cd00162
Location:15 → 58 - RING; RING-finger (Really Interesting New Gene) domain, a specialized type of Zn-finger of 40 to 60 residues that binds two atoms of zinc; defined by the 'cross-brace' motif C-X2-C-X(9-39)-C-X(1-3)- H-X(2-3)-(N/C/H)-X2-C-X(4-48)C-X2-C; probably involved in ...
- cd03773
Location:273 → 406 - MATH_TRIM37; Tripartite motif
containing protein 37 (TRIM37) family, MATH domain; TRIM37 is a
peroxisomal protein and is a member of the tripartite motif (TRIM)
protein subfamily, also known as the RING-B-box-coiled-coil (RBCC)
subfamily of zinc-finger proteins. ...
The MATH domain of TRIM37 has been shown to interact with the TRAF domain of six known TRAFs in vitro, however, it is unclear whether this is physiologically relevant. Eleven TRIM37 mutations have been associated with Mulibrey nanism so far. One mutation, Gly322Val, is located in the MATH domain and is the only mutation that does not affect the length of the protein. It results in the incorrect subcellular localization of TRIM37.
- pfam00643
Location:90 → 132 - zf-B_box;
Pseudomonas serralysin
Data on CF patients were investigated for the prevalence of CFRD as well as for any association with suggested risk factors and effects.
CFRD increased by approximately ten percentage points every decade from ten years of age. Prevalence was higher in females in the younger age groups. CFRD was associated with severe CF genotypes (OR = 3.11, 95%CI: 2.77-3.48), pancreatic insufficiency (OR = 1.46, 95%CI: 1.39-1.53) and female gender (OR = 1.28, 95%CI: 1.21-1.34). Patients with CFRD had higher odds of being chronically infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia complex and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia than patients without CFRD, higher odds of having FEV1% of predicted <40 1.15-1.34="" 1.24="" 1.70-1.94="" 1.82="" 95="" and="" bmi="" cfrd="" having="" higher="" odds="" of="" p="" patients="" sds="" than="" without="">40> CONCLUSIONS:
Severe genotype, pancreatic insufficiency and female gender remain considerable intrinsic risk factors for early acquisition of CFRD. CFRD is associated with infections, lower lung function and poor nutritional status. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment of CFRD are more important than ever with increasing life span.
J Cyst Fibros. 2019 Oct 31. pii: S1569-1993(19)30916-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcf.2019.10.009. [Epub ahead of print] Cystic fibrosis related diabetes in Europe: Prevalence, risk factors and outcome; Olesen et al.
Olesen HV1, Drevinek P2, Gulmans VA3, Hatziagorou E4, Jung A5, Mei-Zahav M6, Stojnic N7, Thomas M8, Zolin A9; ECFSPR Steering Group. Abstract
Cystic fibrosis related diabetes
(CFRD) has implications for morbidity and mortality with several risk
factors identified. We studied the epidemiology of CFRD in the large
dataset of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Patient registry.Data on CF patients were investigated for the prevalence of CFRD as well as for any association with suggested risk factors and effects.
CFRD increased by approximately ten percentage points every decade from ten years of age. Prevalence was higher in females in the younger age groups. CFRD was associated with severe CF genotypes (OR = 3.11, 95%CI: 2.77-3.48), pancreatic insufficiency (OR = 1.46, 95%CI: 1.39-1.53) and female gender (OR = 1.28, 95%CI: 1.21-1.34). Patients with CFRD had higher odds of being chronically infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia complex and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia than patients without CFRD, higher odds of having FEV1% of predicted <40 1.15-1.34="" 1.24="" 1.70-1.94="" 1.82="" 95="" and="" bmi="" cfrd="" having="" higher="" odds="" of="" p="" patients="" sds="" than="" without="">40> CONCLUSIONS:
Severe genotype, pancreatic insufficiency and female gender remain considerable intrinsic risk factors for early acquisition of CFRD. CFRD is associated with infections, lower lung function and poor nutritional status. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment of CFRD are more important than ever with increasing life span.
Diabetes on Egyptin tavallisin tauti. Kansanlääkevaikutuksesta (2019) : Proteus ja diabetes.
PubMEd : hakusana"Proteus, Diabetes"
Eräiä vastauksia:
(1) Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2019;20(7):595-604. doi: 10.2174/1389201020666190613161212.
and Potential Antidiabetic Activities of Flavone C-glycosides Isolated
from Beta vulgaris Subspecies cicla L. var. Flavescens (Amaranthaceae)
Cultivated in Egypt.Eräiä vastauksia:
(1) Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2019;20(7):595-604. doi: 10.2174/1389201020666190613161212.
Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease in Egypt. In this context, Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens is an edible plant that has been used in traditional medicine as a therapy for treating some diseases.
The current study was performed to evaluate the antibacterial and potential anti-diabetic activities of different extracts and isolated flavone C-glycoside compounds isolated from Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens leaves.
Phytochemical investigation of n-butanol extract led to the isolation of five phytoconstituents. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic tools, including 1D-NMR (1H- & 13C-NMR) and 2D-NMR (HMQC & HMBC) besides the comparison of the data with the literature. The extracts and phytoconstituents were evaluated in vitro for their activity against some bacterial pathogens, which represent prominent human pathogens, particularly in hospital settings. The antibacterial activity was examined against three Gram-positive bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis & Enterococcus faecalis) and five Gram-negative ones (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis & Salmonella typhimurium) relative to Ciprofloxacin as a reference drug. Furthermore, the in vitro antidiabetic activity (Type II) was evaluated using the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory assay.
Five flavone C-glycosides namely; Apigenin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside (vitexin) (1), 2''-Oxylopyranosylvitexin (2), acacetin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside (3), acacetin 8-C-α-L-rhamnoside (4), and 6,8-di-C-β-D-glucopyranosylapigenin (vecinin-II) (5) were isolated from n-butanol extract of B. vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens. Compound 1 showed a promising antibacterial activity against most of the test bacterial strains with respect to the minimum inhibitory concentration values (MIC) ranged from 1.95 to 15.63 µg ml-1. On the other hand, compounds 1 and 3 demonstrated superior antidiabetic activities with IC50 values of 35.7 and 42.64 µg ml-1, respectively, while an inferior potential antidiabetic activity was recorded for compound 4 (IC50 = 145.5 µg ml-1) in comparison with Acarbose as a reference drug.
B. vulgaris L. is an edible plant, which could be used as a natural source of antibiotic and hypoglycemic drugs.
Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease in Egypt. In this context, Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens is an edible plant that has been used in traditional medicine as a therapy for treating some diseases.
The current study was performed to evaluate the antibacterial and potential anti-diabetic activities of different extracts and isolated flavone C-glycoside compounds isolated from Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens leaves.
Phytochemical investigation of n-butanol extract led to the isolation of five phytoconstituents. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic tools, including 1D-NMR (1H- & 13C-NMR) and 2D-NMR (HMQC & HMBC) besides the comparison of the data with the literature. The extracts and phytoconstituents were evaluated in vitro for their activity against some bacterial pathogens, which represent prominent human pathogens, particularly in hospital settings. The antibacterial activity was examined against three Gram-positive bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis & Enterococcus faecalis) and five Gram-negative ones (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis & Salmonella typhimurium) relative to Ciprofloxacin as a reference drug. Furthermore, the in vitro antidiabetic activity (Type II) was evaluated using the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory assay.
Five flavone C-glycosides namely; Apigenin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside (vitexin) (1), 2''-Oxylopyranosylvitexin (2), acacetin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside (3), acacetin 8-C-α-L-rhamnoside (4), and 6,8-di-C-β-D-glucopyranosylapigenin (vecinin-II) (5) were isolated from n-butanol extract of B. vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens. Compound 1 showed a promising antibacterial activity against most of the test bacterial strains with respect to the minimum inhibitory concentration values (MIC) ranged from 1.95 to 15.63 µg ml-1. On the other hand, compounds 1 and 3 demonstrated superior antidiabetic activities with IC50 values of 35.7 and 42.64 µg ml-1, respectively, while an inferior potential antidiabetic activity was recorded for compound 4 (IC50 = 145.5 µg ml-1) in comparison with Acarbose as a reference drug.
B. vulgaris L. is an edible plant, which could be used as a natural source of antibiotic and hypoglycemic drugs.
Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at
Amaranthaceae; Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens; antibacterial; antidiabetic; flavonoids; saponins.
Amaranthaceae; Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens; antibacterial; antidiabetic; flavonoids; saponins.
Arch Virol. 2019 Sep;164(9):2265-2275. doi: 10.1007/s00705-019-04305-x. Epub 2019 Jun 14.
Elimination of multidrug-resistant Proteus mirabilis biofilms using bacteriophages.
Proteus mirabilis
is responsible for a wide range of infections that affect the urinary
tract, the respiratory tract, burns, wounds and the feet of individuals
with diabetes.
They are highly resistant to antimicrobial agents, and new therapeutic
options are therefore needed to combat this pathogen. The use of
bacteriophages is one option that may be useful in treating
multidrug-resistant (MDR) Proteus mirabilis infections, especially biofilm-based infections. The aim of this study was to control biofilms formed by MDR Proteus mirabilis using bacteriophages. Proteus mirabilis
isolates were identified based on biochemical tests, and their
resistance profiles were determined by the disk diffusion method. The
biofilm-forming capacity of the isolates was assessed by the
spectrophotometric method. Bacteriophages attacking Proteus mirabilis
were isolated from sewage. The effect of phage on biofilm formation was
investigated by the viable count method. A high rate of drug resistance
was found (87.2%). Strong biofilm formation was observed in 80.5% of
isolates, while moderate production was found in 19.5%. Five
bacteriophages were isolated from sewage and were tested for their
ability to eliminate biofilms. Significant disruption of pre-formed
biofilms was observed that reached up to 99.9% decrease in the number of
viable cells. The use of bacteriophages is considered a promising
strategy against the biofilm infections caused by MDR Proteus mirabilis isolates.
- 31197549
- DOI:
- 10.1007/s00705-019-04305-x
- [Indexed for MEDLINE]
Serralysin 2020, ( ilman kommenttiani)
preferredMappedTo (MeSH TopicalDescriptor) preferredTerm (MeSH Term) frequency
Related to
preferredConcept (MeSH Concept)preferredMappedTo (MeSH TopicalDescriptor) preferredTerm (MeSH Term) frequency
- "47"
- "true"
- "1995-10-17"
- "2004-08-06"
- "C095666"
- "zinc metalloproteinases with broad similar specificity for cleavage of the oxidized insulin B chain"
- "Methods Enzymol 1995;248:395-413"
- "serralysin"
Serralysiiniperhe (ihmisvihollisia), Virulenssiproteiinisetti

linkage of ZapA to the serralysin family of zinc metalloproteases.
Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of ZapA indicates the
presence of several signature peptide motifs that are held in common
with many other homologous metalloproteases belonging to the serralysin
family of metalloproteases, including the proteases of S. marcescens, E.
chrysanthemi, P. aeruginosa, and (from this research) P. mirabilis.
serralysin family has the zinc metalloprotease domain, the Met turn of
metzincins, and three or more Ca 2 binding motifs, and all are exported
by a COOH terminal secretory signal. The serralysin family of zinc
metalloproteases is in turn part of a larger set of proteins thought to
function as virulence factors in several genera of bacteria.
This set of
virulence proteins includes
Actinobacillus (Haemophilus)
pleuropneumoniae hemolysin protein, AppA (18),
Actinobacillus suis AppA
Pasteurella haemolytica LktA leukotoxin (20),
enterohemorrhagic E.
coli HlyA hemolysin (33),
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans LktA
leukotoxin (40, 41),
Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase CyaA (16),
N. meningitidis Fe-regulated RTX cytotoxin homolog (FrpA) (64),
Pseudomonas fluorescens lipase LipA (27, 63).
All of these proteins have
the common feature of the Ca 2 binding GGXGXD repeat motif among other
The phylogenetic linkage map was established from
nucleotide and amino acid sequences stored in the GenBank, EMBL, and Pir
libraries and was analyzed with the Genetics Computer Group program
. One of these factors, ZapA metalloprotease, is of distinctive significance. It is an IgA-degrading protease that is specifically expressed during differentiation of swimmer into swarmer cells ( Wassif et al., 1995). Now-a-days due to increasing antibiotic resistance in Enterobacteriaceae, the multidrug resistant (MDR) strains of Proteus species have also been reported worldwide. ...
. One of these factors, ZapA metalloprotease, is of distinctive significance. It is an IgA-degrading protease that is specifically expressed during differentiation of swimmer into swarmer cells ( Wassif et al., 1995). Now-a-days due to increasing antibiotic resistance in Enterobacteriaceae, the multidrug resistant (MDR) strains of Proteus species have also been reported worldwide. ...
Serralysiinin kaltaisten metalloproteaasien C-terminaalin piirteitä: MeSH Supplementary Concept Data 2020
- MeSH Supplementary
- serralysin
- Unique ID
- C095666
- RDF Unique Identifier
- Registry Number
- EC
- Heading Mapped to
- *Metalloendopeptidases
- Frequency
- 47
- Note
- zinc metalloproteinases with broad similar specificity for cleavage of the oxidized insulin B chain
- Source
- Methods Enzymol 1995;248:395-413
- Date of Entry
- 1995/10/17
- Revision Date
- 2004/08/06
Metzinkiiniperheen ( klaani MA) tietoa 2009: metioniinia sisältävä Met-turn ja pitkä sinkkiä sitova konsensusmotiivi
J Biol Chem. 2009 Jun 5;284(23):15353-7. doi: 10.1074/jbc.R800069200. Epub 2009 Feb 5.Catalytic domain architecture of metzincin metalloproteases.
Gomis-Rüth FX1. Abstract
cleave proteins and peptides, and deregulation of their function leads
to pathology. An understanding of their structure and mechanisms of
action is necessary to the development of strategies for their
regulation. Among metallopeptidases are the metzincins, which are mostly
multidomain proteins with approximately 130-260-residue globular
catalytic domains showing a common core architecture characterized by a
long zinc-binding consensus motif, HEXXHXXGXX(H/D), and a
methionine-containing Met-turn.
Metzincins participate in unspecific protein degradation such as digestion of intake proteins and tissue development, maintenance, and remodeling, but they are also involved in highly specific cleavage events to activate or inactivate themselves or other (pro)enzymes and bioactive peptides. Metzincins are subdivided into families, and seven such families have been analyzed at the structural level:
the astacins,
matrix metalloproteinases,
leishmanolysins, and
These families are reviewed from a structural point of view.
Metzincins participate in unspecific protein degradation such as digestion of intake proteins and tissue development, maintenance, and remodeling, but they are also involved in highly specific cleavage events to activate or inactivate themselves or other (pro)enzymes and bioactive peptides. Metzincins are subdivided into families, and seven such families have been analyzed at the structural level:
the astacins,
matrix metalloproteinases,
leishmanolysins, and
These families are reviewed from a structural point of view.
- [Indexed for MEDLINE]
- 2020 katson uusinta tietoa serralysiineistä.
- 2013 tietoa
Serralysin and Related Enzymes
Ulrich Baumann, in Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes (Third Edition), 2013
Name and History
Serralysin was first discovered in the culture medium of Serratia sp. E-15 [1] and was named from the genus name Serratia+lysin. Similar proteases have been found to be secreted by other Gram-negative bacteria, e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa [2] and Erwinia chrysanthemi [3–6], Ps. fluorescens [7,8], or Photorhabdus luminescens [9]. These proteases are quite similar in their physicochemical properties and are grouped together in the serralysin subfamily. Later, it was established on evidence from three-dimensional structures that serralysins, together with matrix metalloproteases, astacins and snake venom proteinases, belong to clan MA (the metzincins) [10].
Serralysiiniperhe Metzinkiinisuperperheessä. Esimerkki. vuodelta 1999.
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 1999 Jul;63(7):1165-70.
Identification of a member of the serralysin family isolated from a psychrotrophic bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens 114.
extracellular metalloprotease named No. 114 protease is one of the
major secretions of a psychrotrophic bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens
114, the cold-adaptation mechanism of which has not been identified. In
this study, we purified and cloned No. 114 protease, which is a single
polypeptide having a molecular mass of 47 kDa. This protease contains a
zinc-binding motif (HEXXHXUGUXH: X, arbitrary amino acid; U, bulky
hydrophobic amino acid), glycine-rich repeats (GGXGXD) and no cysteine
residue, which are the features specifically found in serralysin
subfamily. No. 114 protease has its maximum activity at the temperature
of 35-40 degrees C, which is about 20 degrees C lower than that of a
serralysin from a mesophilic bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All
these results imply that No. 114 protease from this psychrophilic
bacterium is a unique member of the serralysin group characterized by a
low optimal temperature.
- 10478443
- DOI:
- 10.1271/bbb.63.1165
- [Indexed for MEDLINE]
METZINCIN- superfamily -kartta.
Tässä Met viitaa methionine- aminohappoon, joka propeptidissä merkitsee Met turn- kohdan muodostumista tiukka silmukkaan (" tigh hair pin loop", jossa propeptidin alueella sijaitseva C ja aktiivin kohdan alueen 3 histidiinin (H) kesken koordinoituu Zn++ siten, että aktiivi kohta esittytyy.
Tässä Met viitaa methionine- aminohappoon, joka propeptidissä merkitsee Met turn- kohdan muodostumista tiukka silmukkaan (" tigh hair pin loop", jossa propeptidin alueella sijaitseva C ja aktiivin kohdan alueen 3 histidiinin (H) kesken koordinoituu Zn++ siten, että aktiivi kohta esittytyy.

MMP1 (11q22.2) sinkistä riippuva MMP, ZnMc matrilysiini domeenin ja HX propellin omaava. Hemopexiinitoistoa 4-siipi propellina
1 mqeffglkvt gkpdaetlkv MkqPRCGVPD vaqfvltegn prweqthlty rienytpdlp
61 radvdhaiek afqlwsnvtp ltftkvsegq adimisfvrg dhrdnspfdg pggnlahafq 121 pgpgiggdah fdederwtnn freynlhrva aHElgHslgl sHstdigalm ypsytfsgdv 181 qlaqddidgi qaiygrsqnp vqpigpqtpk acdskltfda ittirgevmf fkdrfymrtn 241 pfypevelnf isvfwpqlpn gleaayefad rdevrffkgn kywavqgqnv lhgypkdiys 301 sfgfprtvkh idaalseent gktyffvank ywrydeykrs mdpgypkmia hdfpgighkv 361 davfmkdgff yffhgtrqyk fdpktkrilt lqkanswfnc rkn //
Signaalipeptidin jälkeen oleva propeptidio on n 80 aminoappoa ja siinä on tunnusomaista konservatiivinen sekvenssi PRCG(C/N)PD, tässä peptidissä se on 24..30 kohdalla. Siinä näkyvä cysteiini(C) kiinnitty katalyyttisen domeenin Zn metalliin ja pitää täten yllä MMP-proteiinin latenssitilaa , propeptidimuotoa (pro-MMP).
Katalyyttinen kohta on 42..195, " ZnMc_MMP. Siinä on sinkkiä sitova kohta jakson keskellä motiivissa HEXXHXUGUXH, (U tarkoittaa hydrofobista bulk-aminohappoa) .
H152, E153, H156, H162.
C-terminaalissa päin oleva hemopexiini moduli (HX toistoja 4) , 4-siipinen propelli, jota sitoutuneet metallit pitävät koossa 2-siipinen propelli, sinkkia tai kalsiumia metallina.
(Hemopexin-like superfamily- tunnus)
NM_001145938.2 → NP_001139410.1 interstitial collagenase isoform 2
See identical proteins and their annotated locations for NP_001139410.1
Status: REVIEWED- Description
- Transcript Variant: This variant (2) uses an alternate in-frame splice site in the 5' coding region and uses a downstream start codon compared to variant 1. The resulting protein (isoform 2) has a shorter N-terminus compared to isoform 1.
- Source sequence(s)
- AK297723, AP000619
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- B4DN15
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- cd00094
Location:209 → 400 - HX; Hemopexin-like repeats.; Hemopexin is a heme-binding protein that transports heme to the liver. Hemopexin-like repeats occur in vitronectin and some matrix metalloproteinases family (matrixins). The HX repeats of some matrixins bind tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). This CD contains 4 instances of the repeat.
- cd04278
Location:42 → 195
weqthlty rienytpdlp 61 radvdhaiek afqlwsnvtp ltftkvsegq adimisfvrg dhrdnspfdg pggnlahafq 121 pgpgiggdah fdederwtnn freynlhrva ahelghslgl shstdigalm ypsytfsgdv 181 qlaqddidgi qaiyg
- ZnMc_MMP; Zinc-dependent metalloprotease, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) sub-family. MMPs are responsible for a great deal of pericellular proteolysis of extracellular matrix and cell surface molecules, playing crucial roles in morphogenesis, cell fate ..specification, cell migration, tissue repair, tumorigenesis, gain or loss of tissue-specific functions, and apoptosis. In many instances, they are anchored to cell membranes via trans-membrane domains, and their activity is controlled via TIMPs (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases).
- Feature 1:active site [active site]Evidence:
- Comment:consensus motif: HEXXHXUGUXH U= bulky hydrophobic
- Comment:coordinates zinc, contains catalytic Glu
- Citation:PMID 8253063
- pfam00413
Location:42 → 195 - Peptidase_M10; MatrixinThe members of this family are enzymes that cleave peptides. These proteases require zinc for catalysis.
- pfam01471
Location:1 → 21 - PG_binding_1; Putative peptidoglycan binding domainThis domain is composed of three alpha helices. This domain is found at the N or C terminus of a variety of enzymes involved in bacterial cell wall degradation. .. This domain may have a general peptidoglycan binding function. This family is found N-terminal to the catalytic domain of matrixins. The domain is found to bind peptidoglycan experimentally.
- cd00094
Matrixmetalloproteinaasit omaavat sinkkiä sitovan kohdan, jota inhibiittori käyttää hyödyksi.
Curr Pharm Des. 2005;11(3):295-322.
Recent developments in the design of specific Matrix Metalloproteinase inhibitors aided by structural and computational studies.
Rao BG1.
It has been 10 years since a 3-dimensional structure of the catalytic domain of a Matrix Metalloprotease (MMP)
was revealed for the first time in 1994. More than 80 structures of
different MMPs in apo and inhibited forms, determined by X-ray
crystallography and NMR methods, have been published by the end of year
2003. A large number of very potent inhibitors have been disclosed in
published and patent literature. Several MMP
inhibitors entered clinical trials for the treatment of cancer and
arthritis. Most of the first generation inhibitors have hydroxamic acid
as the Zinc-binding group and have limited specificity. With the failure
of these inhibitors in clinical trials, more efforts have been directed
to the design of specific inhibitors with different Zn-binding
groups in recent years. This review will summarize all the published
structural information and focus on the inhibitors that were designed to
take advantage of the nonprime side of the MMP
active site using structural information and computational analysis.
Representative structures from all MMPs are aligned to a target
structure to provide a better understanding of the similarities and
differences of the active site pockets. This analysis supports the view
that the differences in the nonprime side pockets provide better
opportunities for designing inhibitors with higher specificity.
Published information on all the Zinc-binding groups of MMP
inhibitors is reviewed for the first time. Pros and cons of inhibitors
with non-hydroxamate Zinc-binding groups in terms of specificity,
toxicity and pharmacokinetic properties are discussed.
- 15723627
- DOI:
- 10.2174/1381612053382115
- [Indexed for MEDLINE]
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