
fredag 15 mars 2019

ADAMTS- proteinaasit alaryhmineen. . Miten ADAMTS proteinaasit eroavat MMP ja ADAM- proteinaaseista rakenteellisesti?
 Minimaalisinta kaavamaista domaanien ärjestäytymsitä kuvataan alla. Siinä on MMP, ADAM ja ADAMTS  esitettynä domaaneineen.
MMP, metalloproteinaasi
ADAM, eräs  disintegriini. ja metalloproteinaasi
ADAMTS,  eräs disintegriini ja metalloproteinaasi, jossa on trombospondiinidomeeni (TSR).
Huomioi, että useimmilla MMP-proteinaaseilla on lisäksi C-terminaalisia pidentymiä, joissa on  hemopexiinin-kaltaisia domaneja ja fibronektiini II-tyyppisiä domeeneja.
ADAMTS proteinaasit omaavat  0 - 14 kpl   trombospondiini tyyppi 1:n kaltaisten motiivien toistoja  (TSR) C-terminaali   Spacer  alueeseen. 

 Figure 1 Schematic representation of the minimal domain organisation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase) and ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs; for example ADAMTS-4) proteinases. Note that most MMPs possess additional C-terminal extensions containing domains such as hemopexin-like and fibronectin type II domains. ADAMTS possess from 0 to 14 additional thrombospondin type 1-like repeat (TSR)-like motifs   C-terminal to the spacer domain.
 EGF, epidermal growth factor;
TM, transmembrane.

 ADAMTS- perheen jäsenet (  disintegriini ja metalloproteinaasi, jolla on trombospondiinimotiiveita) unnetaan siitä, että se vaikuttaa kehitykseen, angiogeneesiin, koagulaatioon ja artriitin progredioitumsieen.
 Proteinaasina niillä on seuraavia substraatteja:
  • von Willebrand-faktorin prekursori, edeltäjäproteiini,
  • ECM- komponentit( extrasellularisen matriksin komponentit)  kuten prokollageeni, hyalektaanit ( hyaluronaania sitovat proteoglykaanit, aggrekaani niiden joukossa)
  • dekoriini
  • fibromoduliini
  • ruston oligomeerinen matriksiproteiini

 ADAMTS-proteinaasien pitoisuudet  ja aktiviteetit  omaavat monitasoisen säätelyjärjestelmän  ja ne säätyvät   geeni-ilmentymän kontrollista, mRNA-pleissauksesta,  proteiinin prosessoitumisesta  ja TIMP- metalloproteinaasien kudosestäjien vaikutuksesta . Ihmisen rustoseulontatutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että  moninaiset ADAMTS-perheen jäsenet saattavat  olla tärkeitä sidekudoksen homeostaasissa ja patologiassa.

(Suomennosta tiivistelmästä) 

  • Abstract

  • Members of the ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs) family are known to influence development, angiogenesis, coagulation and progression of arthritis. As proteinases their substrates include the von Willebrand factor precursor and extracellular matrix components such as procollagen, hyalectans (hyaluronan-binding proteoglycans including aggrecan), decorin, fibromodulin and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein. ADAMTS levels and activities are regulated at multiple levels through the control of gene expression, mRNA splicing, protein processing and inhibition by TIMP (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases). A recent screen of human cartilage has shown that multiple members of the ADAMTS family may be important in connective tissue homeostasis and pathology.

 ADAMTS-proteinaasien evoluutiosta ja rakenteesta.

  • ADAMTS evolution and structure

 Vuonna  1997 kuvasi Kuno kollegoineen ensimmäisen kerran hiiriltä ADAMTS-proteinaaseja. Sen jälkeen niitä on havaittu  eri nisäkkäiltä ja myös C-elegans-lajista.  Ne muodostavat osan  adamalysiineistä,  erään adamalysiinien  alaperheen B, perheen M12,  metallopeptidaasien  MA- heimossa ( määriteltynä MEROPSin tietueen mukaan). Rakenteellisesti ja evolutionaalisesti ne ovat  ADAM- proteinaasien kaltaisia (  disintegriini- ja metallopeptidaasidomaanit omaavia) . Myös ADAM- perhe on adamalysiinialaperheen entsyymejä.  Sukulaisuus on  etäisempää  MMP- proteinaaseihin (matriksimetalloproteinaaseihin (MMP, perhe M10 , heimo MA). Ylläoleva kuva näyttää  näiden kolmen alaperheen domaanirakenteita.

  • ADAMTS proteinases were first described in mice by Kuno and colleagues in 1997 [4] and have subsequently been identified in mammals and Caenorhabditis elegans. They form part of subfamily B (adamalysin subfamily), family M12, in clan MA of the metallopeptidases, as defined in the MEROPS database [5, 6] and are structurally and evolutionarily related to the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase; also part of the adamalysin subfamily) enzymes and, more distantly, the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP; family M10 in clan MA) enzymes. A comparison of the minimal characteristic domain organisation of these groups of proteinases is shown in Fig. 1.

ADAMTS-geenien koodaamat proteiinit

 Ihmiseltä on tunnsitettu  19 eri ADAMTS- geenituotetta. Fylogeneettisiä ja geenianalyysiä  on tehty näistä sekvenssien perusteella ja ADAMTS- proteiinit voidaan jakaa yleisesti ottaen  neljään alaryhmään, joissa havaitaan myös rakenteellisia ja aktiviteetille ominaisia  piirteitä .  Tästä on myös kuva 2.  KAtalyyttisistä domeeneistä , sekvensseistä , tehty dendrogrammi  osoitaa miltei identtisiä domeeneja, mikä  osoitaa että katalyyttiset ja  niitä edistävät domeenit ovat evoloituneet  yhdessä .

1. Ensimmäinen  ADAMTS-ryhmä käsittää ADAMTS-1,-4,-5,-8,-9,-15, ja -20. ja se jakautuu kahteen  alaryhmäänjoista
 toisessa on  ADAMT-9 ja ADAMTS-20 ja
  muut mainitut ovat toisessa alaryhmässä ( ADAMTS-1,-4,-5,-8,-15).

2. Toinen selvästi erotettavissa oleva ADAMTS  ryhmä käsittää ADAMTS-2, -3 ja -14.

3,  Kolmannessa  ryhmässä on pelkästään ADAMTS-13.

4. Neljännessä,  hatarammin määritellyssä  ryhmässä ovat muut jäljellä olevat. ne ovat edelleen luokiteltu  neljään pariin rakenteellisten piirteiden perusteella:
ADAMTS-19 ja -17,
ADAMTS-18- ja 16,
ADAMTS-12 ja -7,
ja ADAMTS -10 ja -6.
On myös julkaistu  yksityiskohainen  tutkimus  ADAMTS-perheen jäsenten välisistä fylogeneettisistä suhteista.

  •  Nineteen distinct human ADAMTS gene products have been identified. A nearest-neighbour dendrogram constructed (using ClustalW 1.7 [7]) from sequence alignments of the entire protein indicates that human ADAMTS proteins can be broadly divided into four subdivisions, which also seem to share structural characteristics and activities (see Fig. 2 and below). A dendrogram constructed from the sequence alignment of the catalytic domains was almost identical, which implies that the catalytic and ancillary domains evolved together (data not shown). The first of the divisions, consisting of ADAMTS-1, -4, -5, -8, -9, -15 and -20, subdivides into two further groups, one composed of ADAMTS-9 and -20 and the other of ADAMTS-1, -4, -5, -8 and -15. A second, well-defined, subgroup contains ADAMTS-2, -3 and -14. ADAMTS-13 stands alone, and the remaining ADAMTS members form a loosely defined subgroup within which members are further divided into four pairs (ADAMTS-19 and -17, ADAMTS-18 and -16, ADAMTS-12 and -7, and ADAMTS-10 and -6) sharing structural features. A detailed study of the phylogenetic relationship of the ADAMTS family members has recently been published [8].

ADAMTS domain structure

The signal sequence of ADAMTS proteins is followed by a pro-region of varying length, but which is unusually short in ADAMTS-13. The pro-domain of all ADAMTS proteinases contains at least one furin cleavage consensus motif; it is therefore generally believed that the zymogen forms of ADAMTS proteinases are cleaved intracellularly and that secreted proteins are in the mature form. This mechanism of maturation is supported by studies of ADAMTS-4, which identify an N terminus of F213ASLS in supernatants conditioned by cells transfected with ADAMTS-4, suggesting that the prodomain is efficiently removed in vivo [9]. The same study also demonstrated that purified proADAMTS-4 could be cleaved by recombinant furin in cell-free experiments. Furin has recently been shown to interact with the pro-form of ADAMTS-4 and to co-localise within the trans-Golgi network [10]. Using furin inhibitors and RNA interference techniques, the removal of the pro-domain was inhibited without affecting secretion, demonstrating an important role for furin in intracellular processing [10]. The same study also revealed the presence of furin-independent pro-domain processing pathways in some cells.

 The catalytic domains of ADAMTS proteinases share a high degree of similarity and contain the zinc-binding sequence HEXXHXXGXXH, in which the catalytic zinc is coordinated by the three histidine residues. This arrangement is facilitated by the conserved glycine, which permits a tight hairpin loop and enables the third histidine to occupy its correct position [11, 12]. As in all MMPs and adamalysins, the zinc-binding sequence is followed at a short distance C-terminally by a conserved methionine residue, an active-site arrangement that has been termed 'metzincin-type'. This methionine constitutes the 'Metturn', a tight turn arranged as a right-handed screw that seems to serve an important function in the structure of the active site [11].

 The catalytic domain is followed by a region with 25 to 45% identity to the snake venom disintegrins, although it does not contain the cysteine arrangement of the latter [13]. This domain has therefore been termed disintegrin-like, though there is currently no published evidence that this ADAMTS domain interacts with integrins.

Unlike ADAM proteins, ADAMTS proteinases possess a well-conserved thrombospondin type 1-like repeat (TSR), homologous to the type I repeats of thrombospondins 1 and 2 [14], between the disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich domain (CRD). By analogy to thrombospondins 1 and 2 [15], the central TSR of ADAMTS proteinases is believed to function as a sulphated glycosaminoglycan-binding domain. The independently expressed central TSR of murine ADAMTS-1 required 0.46 to 0.66 M NaCl for elution from a heparin affinity column, indicating that this motif forms a functional heparin-binding unit [16].

Unlike ADAM proteins, ADAMTS proteinases possess a well-conserved thrombospondin type 1-like repeat (TSR), homologous to the type I repeats of thrombospondins 1 and 2 [14], between the disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich domain (CRD). By analogy to thrombospondins 1 and 2 [15], the central TSR of ADAMTS proteinases is believed to function as a sulphated glycosaminoglycan-binding domain. The independently expressed central TSR of murine ADAMTS-1 required 0.46 to 0.66 M NaCl for elution from a heparin affinity column, indicating that this motif forms a functional heparin-binding unit [16].

The CRD is a well-conserved cysteine-rich sequence containing 10 cysteine residues. In contrast to ADAM proteins, in which the CRD is followed by epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like repeats, a transmembrane domain and C-terminal cytosolic region, all ADAMTS proteinases possess instead a cysteine-free 'spacer' region. This domain varies in length and contains several conserved hydrophobic residues in the N-terminal portion and an extremely variable C-terminal portion. The expression of various domain-deletion constructs of murine ADAMTS-1 revealed the CRD-spacer sequence as a functional extracellular matrix (ECM)-binding domain [16]. This role was supported by investigation of C-terminally processed forms of human ADAMTS-4, which, in combination with a deletion construct lacking the CRD-spacer sequence, indicated that these domains also bind to both heparin and the glycosaminoglycans of aggrecan (predominantly keratan and chondroitin sulphates) [9]. Three putative heparin-binding sequences were identified within the CRD-spacer sequence of ADAMTS-4, one within the CRD and two within the spacer, and peptides corresponding to these sequences were shown to inhibit the binding of ADAMTS-4 to heparin [9].

With the exception of ADAMTS-4, which terminates after the spacer region, all ADAMTS proteinases possess between 1 and 14 TSRs C-terminal to the spacer region (Fig. 2). The sequence of these additional TSRs is more variable between the ADAMTS proteinases than is the central TSR, but the independent expression of the C-terminal TSRs of murine ADAMTS-1 has indicated that these motifs can form functional heparin-binding units [16]. The TSRs of the C-terminal region are arranged in one, two or three tandem arrays. Between arrays is either a short linker sequence (ADAMTS-9 and ADAMTS-20) or a mucin-like domain (ADAMTS-7 and ADAMTS-12) [17].

Four additional types of module have been described in the ADAMTS group and all are present C-terminal to the TSR arrays. ADAMTS-9 and -20 contain a unique module, also found in the C. elegans ADAMTS GON-1, containing 10 conserved cysteine residues [18]. Several ADAMTS proteinases (-6, -7, -10, -12, -16, -17, -18 and -19) possess a PLAC (protease and lacunin) domain containing six conserved cysteine residues, which is found in some pro-protein convertases [19]. A C-terminal extension containing a unique embedded PLAC domain is present in ADAMTS-2, -3 and -14. Finally, CUB (complement C1r/C1s, Uegf (EGF-related sea urchin protein) and BMP-1 (bone morphogenic protein-1)) domains are present at the C terminus of ADAMTS-13 [20]. This domain is also present in spermadhesins, tumour necrosis factor-stimulated gene-6 and the complement proteins C1r, C1s and mannan-binding lectin-associated serine proteinases, among others [21], and there is evidence to suggest that these domains mediate protein-protein interactions with other CUB domain-containing proteins [22, 23].

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