
fredag 27 oktober 2017

Matrixmetalloproteinaasit aivoselkäydinnesteessa Lymen neuroborrelioosissa
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MMPs in Cerebrospinal Fluid of patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis.

Perides G, Charness ME, Tanner L, Péter O, Satz N, Steere AC, Klempner MS. (1997)

Neurologic manifestations of Lyme disease include meningitis, encephalopathy and cranial and peripheral neuropathy. There are no sensitive markers for neuroborreliosis, and diagnosis is often based on clinical presentation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) abnormalities, including intrathecal antibody production- matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity in CSF was compared in patients with neuroborreliosis, patients with diverse neurological disorders, and healthy controls. The CSF of 17 of 18 healthy subjects and 33 of 37 patients with neurologic symptoms and normal CSF and imaging studies contained only MMP2. 
The CSF of several patieants with neurologic disorders contained MMP2, MMP9, and gelatinolytic activity at 130 and 250 kDa. The 150-kDa MMP was found without the 92-kDa MMP9 in the CSF of 11 (79%) of 14 patients with neuroborreliosis and only 7 ( 6%) of 118 control patients (P under.001). This pattern of CSF gelatinase activity may be a useful marker of Lyme disease.

Patients usually have cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) abnormalities, incl. elevated total protein, intrathecal antibody production to B. Burgdorferii, or a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for spirochetal DNA. In addition, increased amounts of neurofilaments and glial fibrillary acidic protein degradation products have been noted in CSF. The polyneuropathy is usually accompanied by spinal radicular pain or peripheral dysesthesias, and electromyography (EMG) often shows a diffuse axonal polyneuropathy.

MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES (MMPs) are enzymes that contain zinc in their active center and require Ca2+ for proteolytic activity. Several MMPs have been identified in the human brain, including gelatinase A (MMP2), gelatinase B (MMP9), stromelysin (MMP3), and collagenase (MMP1). Two additional bands with gelatinolytic activity and electrophoretic mobility corresponding to 130 and 250 kDa have been identified but not fully characterized. It hs been suggested that the 130-kDa band is a complex of gelatinase B and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) or a dimer of the active 68.jDa form of gelatinase B. 

Increased concentrations of MMPs have been identified in the central nervous systems (CNS) of patients with Alzheimer´s disease, brain injury, and brain tumors. MMPs have also been detected in the CSF of patients with inflammatory diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and multiple sclerosis (MS).
We recentrly reported the presence of 130-kDa gelatinolytic activity in the CSF of a patient with a documented Lyme neuroborreliosis. Here we analyze the pattern of MMPs in the CSF of patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis compared with healthy persons and patients with other* neurologic diseases. 

(Other *neurologic conditions were: 1) Alzheimers disease, 2) Parkinsons´s disease, 3) multiple sclerosis, 4) HIV encephalopathy, some with viral meningitis, bacterial or fungal encephalopathy; 5) metabolic encephalopathy, 6) lymphoproliferative disorders with sepsis or encephalopathy, 7) primary brain tumors, (8) metastatic tumors, 9) epidural haematoma, 10) subarachnoidal haematoma, 11) subdural haematoma, 12) transverse myelitis, 13) Guillan-Barre´´ syndrome.
From results:
Human CSF gelatinase A is secreted in a latent form (72 kDa) and is activated in vivo to a 64-kDa form by plasmin or other MMPs.

MMPs are expressed in virtually all tissues. 
Expression of MMPs is increased during physiological remodeling of tissues, such as mammary gland involution, postpartum uterine muscle contraction, and wound healing. Increased expression of MMPs also occurs in several pathologic conditions, including arthritis and malignant tumors.
In the CNS, increased MMP expression has been associated with multiple sclerosis, inflammatory neurologic disorders, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, brain tumors, and Alzheimres disease. Gelatinases A and B are expressed in microglia and astrocytes. Collagenase (MMP1), matrilysin (MMP7), and stromelysin (MMP3) have been identified in gliomas.

The major finding of this study was that CHF of 78% of patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis contained a 130-kDa MMP without the 92-kDa gelatinase B. This pattern was relatively specific, occurring in only 6% of the CSF samples of 118 nonneurologic controls and patients with diverse neurologic disorders. This pattern was not observed in any of 11 patients with nonborrelial CNS infection. The expression of the 130 kDa-MMP without the 92-kDa gelatinase B may therefore be a useful laboratory marker for Lyme neuroborreliosis. 

In most but not all patients, there was a correlation between CSF pleocytosis and expression of gelatinase B, as noted previously, whereas gelatinase A was constitutively expressed in all of our patient groups. The CSF of persons without neurologic complaints contained only gelatinase A, as judged by electrophoretic mobuility and immunoblot analysis.

We characterized the gelatinolytic activity in the CSF of 100 patients with neurologic symptoms (38 neurologic controls and 62 with documented neurological diseases). Our observation that the CSF of patients with multiple sclerosis and no CSF pleocytosis contained only gelatinase A and no other gelatinases agrees with the finding of Gijbels et al. 
In that study, gelatinase B was found primarily in the CSF of those multiple sclerosis patients with CSF pleocytosis, suggesting that gelatinase B is produced by white blood cells. The presence of gelatinase B in the CSF of patients with brain tumors and no pleocytosis suggests that this MMP may also derive from neoplastic and glial cells. 
The CSF of some patients with presumed Alzheimer´s dementia contained only gelatinase A. This was surprising, since it was raported, and we have confirmed, that the brain parenchyma of patients with Alzheimers´s disease contain increased amounts of both gelatinase B and the 130-kDa MMP .

The mechanismi underlying the expression of the 130-kDa MMP in Lyme neuroborreliosis is unknown. Glial expression of some MMPs is regulated by cytokines, and concomitant expression of gelatinase B and interleukin-6 levels are elevated in the CSF with Lyme neuroborreliosis.
Moreover, co-incubation of C6 glioma cells with B. Burgdorferi induces the expression of IL-6. It is possibke that MMP and IL-6 expression are regulated by similar, as yet unknown, mechanism, We found that primary cultures of rat neural cells infected with B. Burgdorferi secrete increased amounts of MMPs compared with uninfected cultures. It remains to be seen which cell types mediate this response.

B.burgdorferi is not directly toxic to neurons and it is not known to express MMP activity; however, B. burgdorferi does bind to glial cells in vitro. Since MMPs can digest myelin hasic protein, B. burgdorferi could promote CNS injury indirectly by inducing the expression of MMPs in neural cells.

MMPs also digest  at least two proteins of adult  CNS extracellular matrix (ECM): the aggregating proteoglycan versican and tenascin.  The extracellular matrix (ECM) helps maintain the structural integrity of the CNS and facilitates cell migration, ion transport, and growth factor delivery. Thus, digestion of the brain extracellular matrix could promote the migration and disemination of B.- burgdorferi within CNS and could contribute to the neuropathology of Lyme neuroborreliosis. 

Muistiin  27.10.2017

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